"Come to me and I will give you rest"
-Jesus Christ
(The Holy Bible)
After lunch, i was too shocked to find out that Kuya( that's how Filipinos address an elder brother) Mario passed away last Friday. He is not my brother by consanguinity nor affinity but because i am close to his beloved, he is almost like a brother to me. I haven't seen him for a while although the last time i noticed that he can hardly walk. Unwell myself, i felt very bad for being unable to possibly say my final goodbye to him, thus instead of expressing my reaction to the Supreme Court's declaration that the MOA AD is unsconstitutional, this personal blog. I am uploading flowers for him because i may not have the chance to bring him some. I met him as a driver( he is good because i always take the passenger seat in front if he drives and i have seen how careful he could be even in the big highways during our long travels) but i want to remember him as a good cook. Treating me like his own kid sister, he would bring me fruits harvested from his farm and at times when he feels like it, he whips up various dishes, a lot of which are quite strange to me. At first i am hesitant to try but when i started eating up everything he prepares, i enjoyed them pretty much i voluntary forget that i am on a diet. One very memourable thing he did was when he bought fresh seaweeds that he thought i would like- of course i did and i remembered how he whipped it out to taste very well i ended up finishing the whole plate of salad because he said its good for my health.
His sudden death came as shock to all of us. Few friends remarked that at forty eight he is too young to die. I replied quoting my big brother's philosophy when we were kids. He has been a great risk taker in many ways giving much worry to mother. He said " if it is your time to die- wherever you are you have to go whether you are confined in the most expensive hospital's ICU with best doctors, or given the best care by loved ones in the comfort of your home- no human being can stop death nor postpone one's death no matter how rich or powerful he would be for it is the leveller of all humans." Thinking about the stillborn or the infant who died few days after being brought out from her mother's womb, or a child or someone in his "prime" days i guess my brother has a point. At forty eight, he probably has to go because it is destined to be or probably that is the will of Someone Up There who gave each of us humans- the gift of life. In one of the necrological services a homily impeccably described death as unprecedented or unexpected which comes " like a thief in the night". And i reckon life can be so fragile. When i saw Kuya Mario a month ago and noticed that he can hardly walk due to his swollen feet i never had an inkling that i would never see him again- alive. In essence one should enjoy life while it lasts- you'll never know when is your time to "go."
We have only noticed that he can hardly walk but those very close to him said that he has probably been suffering of an illness before and he secretly takes medicines. God in his infinite wisdom probably wanted to stop him from physical pains and sufferings so He took him in His arms to give him rest. Although i feel sad that i could not see him anymore in this earth, i rest in the thought that God knew the best for him- and that is to finally make him rest.
Farewell Kuya Mario, have a rest now.
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