Today is Garry's day. I cannot greet him personally because he opted to go to New Zealand since July. He has survived winter Down Under and now he is enjoying the spring breezes and hopefully will get through the summer and the autumn coming up.
If there are some personal characteristics that i admire about him its his industry, quietness and patience. This came as a huge surprise to me. Knowing that he is the only child i would not be surprised if he behaved like a spoiled brat but as far as i knew him(we are not close though), he is not a brat at all. Probably i have to give credit to his mother, Aunt Linda for his upbringing. And i have endlessly enjoyed his tons of patience because despite of some bullying that i intentionally did while he was near, he would just smile and offer me coffee or ice cream or any food that comes handy with the main purpose of stopping me when he thinks i have been saying lots of nonsense and he has listened enough or he is extremely busy. Yet he never failed to smile albeit probably out of courtesy to my jokes(its his officemates in the quarantine services who have been gracious enough to listen to my stories and laugh at my jokes- and to them i am most thankful they never fail to be friendly to me). And i know that i have offended Garry or upset him when he suddenly keeps quiet sans the friendly smile in his face- and i get scared so i have to be quiet myself, gigggle nervously or simply leave. Anyway, he is a nice lad i should say, and that's on top of being intelligent and handsome( maybe he just needs to lose a few pounds though but nobody's perfect so he does not need to- if he is happy and comfortable with being chubby).
Going to New Zealand is a big leap for Garry, i guess and since he is very quiet about it i was quite surprised when i heard about it seeing how successful he has become in his chosen career as a veterinarian. He has been well-travelled, having been to various countries in the world for a month or couple of months per trip. However i believe that by leaving his current job, organisation and status, he did a good decision to get out of his comfort zone. This is a great opportunity to learn new lessons and discover things, culture and meet more people. Truly, Andre Gide, a French writer has been thinking of encouraging people to go on an adventure when he said these words: " Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore." I am happy that he took the courage to lose sight of the shore. And i wish him the best!
Here's to a happy birthday and may all your wishes come true, Garry( finally i spelled it right, i always spell his name with a single r as in Gary and he would just quietly correct it doubling the rrs). Happy Birthday Brother Beer! Cheers!
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