Thursday, July 31, 2008

Farewell Grandfather

almost heaven

lovely clouds

photos by orange tulip

Farewell Grandfather! I was not surprised to hear that you went as quietly as you can, pretty much your style. I was hoping that since my paternal grandfather left earlier, you will stay in this world a little longer to find out if my future children, if i will be gifted with any-would inherit a part of my good and bad traits as a person.

But God in His own infinite wisdom decided that it was your time to go. Although the sad news left me grieving, i reckon that it is best for you to be at God's presence in heaven where pains and disease will never be felt. I am thankful that going away was not extremely difficult for you, one attack and there you went, sans long torturous medical attention. It was impeccably timed such that your burial would be a day after your seventy ninth birthday. In this era, that can be considered a long life and i reckon it was a life fully lived.

My favourite moments spent with you while growing up and during my summer visits to my grandparents' house were the times when we would sit in the verandah on summer nights and have long talks about everything under the sun over baskets of fruits that you have picked yourself from the orchard. You did not mind picking up and peeling the green mangoes, which has been my perennial favourite.
Thank you for telling me stories about your life, sharing few laughs, tolerating me when i was a little brat, being patient with me no matter how headstrong i was(well, probably still am) and listening to my opinions about everything. You loved spoiling your grandchildren, including me.

When its my turn to leave this world too, i wish that you will be among those who will meet me in heaven.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A Park To Remember

the way leading to the park

the clear blue skies

the way leading to a resort close to the park

photos were taken by orange tulip on her first visit to the park

Time really flies- its been a year and just like what i regularly do over unpleasant experiences that brings unhappy memories, i vent all the remaining sentiments, release all negative emotions and choose never to look back. Final closure for me would lead to erasing all aspects of unpleasant memories after a year, refusing to talk about it and try my best to go on as if nothing happened. After attending a gathering of artists that the organisers called "convention", a year ago, and analysing the circumstances related thereto, i reckon that any work of art would probably lose its essence if in the process of its creation, few or even a single individual would be hurt- either intentionally or not. Arguably, art should be a tool or an essence that can build bridges putting people together in appreciation and enjoyment, regardless of their background, status or personal beliefs and values.

I had few disappointments over this activity but i opted to keep quiet. Working as a marketing specialist, assembling a couple of hundreds or so individuals of varying personalities, background, culture/subculture and language for a three- day workshop was a yearly task for me and my team. In addition, inviting over and making sure that the industry players include in their busy schedules, attendance to a monthly meeting( for discussion of various concerns from food to oil prices and basic commodities affecting the nation and topics related thereto- translating to policy recommendations) has also been an enjoyable involvement for me. Further, working with a top organisation on special projects as my first job doing research, planning to customer service, joining a 3-man team to foresee possible worse-case scenarios had been fulfilling. Imagine my chagrin when as a spectator, i found out that things did not turn out the way they were planned to be. I opted to be passive simply because i respected the person/s organisation appointed by the owner to handle such activity.

I was displeased when artists invited from neighbouring islands, coming to the park at their own expense and risks, became captive audience to three celebrities from the big city. The celebrity guests were good-looking and a feast to the eyes (especially to star-strucked villagers) and there was absolutely nothing wrong with focusing the spotlight to them, being stars themselves- but it would have been probably different, or exciting if, right after an hour or so representations were made from the visiting artists giving them a chance to expound on their creative thoughts on their possible future collaborations. Although my egalitarian upbringing has exposed me to treat anyone as special as the other, regardless of status or achievements or absence of such-geopolitics suggest that they be given priority for more realistic and sustainable activities in the park after its "opening". Besides, it has been my orientation to make the stay of our invited guests to be worth remembering, whether it be on a personal or work related scenario. Well, I did not and do not want to know how it did to those invited by the organisers who came over to the park- but again, i remained a quiet observer with due respect to those tasked or volunteered to do the job. Organising an activity especially without crystal clear objectives from the start, is understandably not an easy task.

Although I was mutated to be an errand girl (which i did not mind at all because the owner is a close friend and i went there to give support), leaving my own important concerns to be at the event, i tried my best to have fun nevertheless- and fun I surely had! It was great to reconnect with few old friends, friends i rarely see and a chance to meet new ones. Watching a band composed of handsome and multi-talented guys and seeing some capable to yield music with varying instruments, notable of which is the leaf, was a wonderful experience at the park. I have read somewhere that Levi Celerio, a Filipino National Artist was listed in the Guinness of World Records for such extraordinary talent. Most importantly, i enjoyed watching the home grown talents (children who grew up attending various workshops in the park, who were accordingly, very shy prior to building such park) evolving to be very confident and charming performers. Truly, the owner of the park and her collaborators have made a lot of difference in these children’s lives- and that of their families. I can still vividly remember the excited eyes and happy faces of parents in the village while watching their own children, or someone that they know- performing excellently that evening. The happiness in their faces was highly contagious, it never failed to infect me too.

And I remember with fondness, singing a couple of songs or so. I haven’t sung for quite a while and i felt good hearing how my voice soared in harmony with the lovely music from the featured band. Yes, i was able to put aside all my troubles away, and happy with the thought that despite a yearlong absence from the “spotlight”, i can still pull through a song or two. That was a fantastic experience i should say.

All was seemingly well but a couple of days after, a momentous experience has led me to the realisation that, although i have various artistic inclinations, i opt to be the humanitarian the foremost. The art park was built with the children and the artists in mind, as conceptualized by the owner- an artist herself. It is hers and anything she wishes to do with her creation would be entirely up to her. After a serious discussion about a lot of concerns along with two friends, i think that it is best that she be left alone(at least by me) and wish her really well. I also hope that collaborative projects will be done to maximise the physical structures, space and maybe the ambiance. The park is beautiful with varied potentials that can go beyond nature and arts, given dedication by future collaborators and strategic exposure. But that remains to be seen- as the owner has other important concerns to attend.

That experience a year ago led to a realisation that i have to take care of myself the foremost, simply because i deserve it. I ceased to find fulfillment in seeing to it that someone's wishes would come true regardless of the inconveniences that would cost me. It beckoned to me that i am an individual with own wishes wanting to be fulfilled. Clearly, i am capable of making my own dreams and making them come true. Most importantly, i should be attending to my own concerns, and i reminded myself that i definitely know how to choose and fight my own battles.

Few days back, an author of an article made suggestions on having a happy life. Number one on his list was to de-blog (yes, to delete the blog) that brings sad memories. On the contrary, here i am blogging about not necessarily sad but sappy(sad and happy) memories. Yet expressing my opinions and sentiments just like what i did to very few trusted friends few days after the experience has not only helped me to cope, but found it pretty much liberating. And talking about any disappointment or pain a year after such experience-is a completion for the healing process, and makes moving on a lot easier and swifter.

I wish the park and its owner well, but as i have opted to be a humanitarian it will remain in my heart- a park to remember.

And to remember i always will, for reasons i have said and left unsaid.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Wordless Day

twin trees on the way to Calauit Island, Palawan, Philippines

photo by orange tulip

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Le but ultime de la vie

the joy of having a rainbow after a storm
the joy of watching the sunset after the rain

the joy of having peace and quiet

the joy of watching seagulls by the beach

" The ultimate point of life is joy"

" Le but ultime de la vie c'est la joie"

-from my Ivory bar soap

I was wondering if Ivory soap would be good for my skin. Already bothered by prices of hypoallergenic popular brands that i have been using, i thought i'd give it a try and ask my doctor if there would be some reactions. I immediately got one when i saw the words scribbled on the packaging of the bar soap, " The ultimate point of life is joy" along with its French translation. I was contemplating to enroll in a French language studies since i became interested of both studying and working in France. Why not? After all, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was signed in Paris in December 10, 1948 and since it is my subject of interest at the moment it might be great to go there.

I had introductory language studies in French many years back but i quit with the lame excuse that- i am doing a lot of things at the same time. Prior to French, i thought learning the Arabic would be interesting but i have to quit after a couple of one-to-one sessions as my Dad cannot accompany me every session( i was a minor then). Three years back, i ventured in studying the Italian language which i immensely enjoyed at the start but for personal reasons, i quit. Seems that i am only good at starting things, eh? So while still contemplating if i would really enroll in French, learning a few words or few sentences on my own would not hurt.

"Le but ultime de la vie c'est la joie". These words make me smile in agreement. Yes, the ultimate point of life is joy! A three letter word, joy is seen in varying perspectives by individuals of varying backgrounds, personal experiences and values. Some find joy in simple things while others, in bigger things. Some find joy in their solitary moments while others find it in the company of significant others, friends, family or bigger crowds. Some find it in the comforts of their homes while others find it on their overseas travels . Am i getting mixed up with happiness versus joy? Nevertheless, it has led me to retrospection.

The old, but ever reliable Merriam Webster dictionary gives the meaning enties of the word d joy as a noun- 1) the emotion evoked by well being, success or good fortune or by the prospect of posessing what one desires; delight 2) the expression or exhibition of such emotion; gaiety 3) a state of happiness or felicity; bliss 4) a source or cause of a delight while as a verb, joy means to experience great pleasure or delight. Happiness on the other hand means good fortune; prosperity, 2) a state of well-being and contentment; joy, 3) a pleasurable or satisfying experience; felicity, aptness

Well- both practically are synonymous but i have read in one of my father's books that happiness is an emotion resulting from an outward circumstance/s and is fleeting while joy is from within and is felt regardless of the outward circumstances and is lasting. The author has successfully argued the difference of happiness and joy that growing up, i am in constant search not for happiness, but for joy.

Joy is just a three letter word but its meaning varies between individuals depending on their background or personal circumstances. Yet i reckon that no words can suffice to define or describe joy- it is just felt in the heart, maybe for a simple, huge, or probably for no reason at all. It might be a thrill of feeling in love transcending to joy. I also reckon that it is like an oasis in the desert bringing comfort to a weary traveller if he/she is lucky enough to discover but it is always there. Just like the oasis waiting to be discovered, joy is just inside our hearts. Outward circumstances might bring us disappointments, pain, or grief but if we truly find ways to rediscover, joy is just there within us.

The most remarkable and memourable description of joy to me is from my then seven year old nephew(who was born after his parents were married for seven years). He finds joy in the thought that he is too much loved- by his parents, grandparents, kid sister, uncles and aunts including me. He told me that he is happy to receive small and big presents like chocolates, cakes, burgers, fries, toys, clothes, shoes and other things " of value' but he finds tremendous joy when he is showered with hugs and kisses and simply spending time with him. This is probably why when i go home and bring him along to my parents' house, he would always request for a " breakfast in bed", show his sketches and other artworks, ask me to sit down and listen as he plays the piano, wakes up early to join me do brisk walking or walk the puppy some mornings, or simply ask me to listen to his numerous stories.

When i bid temporary farewells to him he would always ask when will i be coming back and when i would ask what present would he like me to bring him he answers " You dont have to bring anything, just save the money to buy tickets to go home as soon as you can. Nothing brings me much joy than having you around because spending time with me brings much joy uncomparable to any presents you have or anyone has given me. "

Such a wisdom from a child but it makes so much sense. This is probably why everytime i give him a call, he would always ask " When will you be coming home?" I would always answer " Surprise!" because i dont want to disappoint him by stating a specific date and time and make him wait in vain if i cannot push through as scheduled.

Yet i am planning to make it soon and i will join him and his kid sister to enjoy the sea and sand, under the sun. As we frolic by the beach and sunbathe, i will also teach him and kid sister a little French, now that i have perfected the line-" Le but ultime de la vie c'est la joie".

Monday, July 21, 2008

Happy Birthday MummyHen

Mummy black swan with baby swans
Queenscliff ferry to Sorrento
taken while in the chairlift, Arthur's seat

photos taken by Mummy Hen on a Summer long drive in Country Victoria

"Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile. "
-Franklin P. Jones

I was thinking of my beloved Mummy Henny since July is her month- yes, July 16 was the day when she was sent as an angel to become human and live on earth for us to have a dear Mummy Henny since five winters ago. An unparalleled cook, she lovingly whips up various delectable dishes for us whenever we feel like eating delicious foods, even if she is tired from school and part-time work. Her idea of relaxation is shopping and i am her favourite companion along with Daddie. I love it when we do long drives to the country, walking on the big trees and ferns in Dandenong Forest and feeding the birds too. The most memourable time was when we went camping one summer with my sister Nic and my almost brother-in-law, a very private person who got irritated everytime i shout with glee and joyful abandon at the fabulous sights along the way. Well, i only giggle and smile if its his turn to get excited and say " fantastic!" everytime he finds a sight interesting.

Words are not enough to give her a well- deserved tribute but clearly, she is a love personified. She did not make the world go round for us, her " adopted children" but has made our Melbourne studies and life very much worthwhile. As Mummy Hen's favoured daughter, it was tremendously happy one for me. Practically and figuratively, she was always there for me. When someone badly hurt me- the motherly overprotective trait in her wanted to initiate war, and when i decided to keep silent she respected me but saw it through that i have to be healed of the pains inflicted to me. Even if i looked quite sophisticated with liberated ideas and as she puts it-" having opinions about anything" Mummy Hen saw me as a naive, willing prey to few abusive individuals because i trusted too much, over a short period of knowing a certain person. What is very touching is before leaving Melbourne, she chose to entrust me with someone who knows how to deeply care, my big brother Primo with the firm request to see to it that nobody should be allowed to hurt me again-ever. Of course by then i had already bounced back and knew how to take care and defend myself against unscrupulous people pretending to be a friend at the start, and i have became very careful in expressing my unsolicited opinions which has dragged me to wrong interpretations by those having "small minds"- as per Mummy Hen's thoughtful advise. I cried a lot a couple of weeks prior to her flight back home, and we cried and hugged each other as i practically stayed in her apartment a week before her departure date. A day before her flight, in our attempt to cheer ourselves up, we had chocolate overload at our favourite hang-out, Max Brenner.

Her nurturing character is exceptional. She was the most worried everytime i get sick or unbecomingly quiet. I remembered her most thoughtful ways through the following events. I have always wanted to celebrate my own birthday quietly so she respected it by organising it for me as quietly as she could. It was an unforgetable barbecue party one spring morning along the Yarra River with only a dozen or so few close friends that we both handpicked and we all had fun. It was examination month but everybody made it a point to come and i felt very much loved after a traumatic verbal assault in public( from a supposedly holy woman leading a bible study that i refused to attend.) My next birthday however was sort of a debut, or coming out party organised by my batchmates " the cuties" for me. It was attended by around 25 friends (yes, that was already a big party for me) and there were heaps of delectable food preparations. My beautiful sister Emmaline cleaned up, prepared her place and also cooked for that party and we had tremendous fun! My MummyHen, who was then working part-time while studying full-time was very tired in the preparation to the actual occasion as she just slept a few winks before cooking after her night-shift job for the party, but she managed well. And just as i have been saving for my planned birthday attire displayed in my favourite Esprit shop, she surprised me a week prior to my birthday by bringing it one day and asked me to fit those clothes, her birthday present for me. I was both surprised and happy. Looking at the photos a few days later, i can see so much joy and so much love poured over that occassion- my own coming out party. And sometimes i feel guilty i have not returned the favour- well, not yet, to organise or even cook something special for my Mummy Henny's own birthday party.

Happy birthday Mummy Henny, i still have the card that i was supposed to send to you prior to your birthday( i was smiling when i got this from a shop and immediately thought of you). I will send this to you soon but i wanna remember the message which says " On your birthday, i wont embarass you by asking how old you are...(dot dot dot) and when you will open it the question pops out , " How much do you weigh? " Looking at the card and thinking of you makes me smile, and giggle too. I am missing you heaps!!!

Well, i dont really care if you weigh too little or too much or just enough- i just wanna let you know that you are much loved regardless. Have a great birth month Mummy Henny! Your most prodigal daughter will try her best to find a way to see you soon and give you much deserved birthday hugs and kisses. Meantime, cheers!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Three Seasons in Pranjetto Hills

Last week, attending a workshop at the height of the typhoon Helen was quite a experience I must say. Pranjetto Hills is a two hour drive from Manila to Tanay, Rizal. It was a gloomy afternoon when we started driving. The long road leading to the resort is uphill but the way is a sight to behold. There was a time when the way was so foggy and we literary had " zero visibility" and it helped that there was very few and at times absence of other vehicles braving the rains and the winds.

After driving for a couple of hours, we reached our intended destination few minutes close to dusk. The organisers were already there. A vast garden resort located on the hills with a beautiful scenery, nicely landscaped gardens and pretty cottages, i was impressed. We were then assisted to our pre-assigned accomodations and on our way, one of my companions who studied in London excitedly declared" It feels like I am in London again!" Accordingly, the gloomy weather and the scenery made her feel like its winter. I smiled in agreement remembering my own version of winter way back Down Under. We were treated to a delicious soup dish and hot coffee. My companions were bothered as there was no mobile phone signal at all. I did not mind though as i have lived without any mobile phone in tow after a couple of traumatic incidents involving mobile phones this year . I am not a habitual coffee drinker( i usually bring my own favourite tea and just ask for hot water when i go somewhere) but the smell of the freshly brewed coffee and the continous raindrops enticed me to drink a glass, and another and another. Due to occasional (but much drinking) i was able to sleep at past 2 in the morning despite the cold weather.
The next day the rain stopped and i woke up a little late than what i expected. When i went out of the door the morning breeze that greeted me was like a spring morning and i was delighted to find out a veranda surrounding the whole cottage. Joined by two friends later, we took a walk around the area and delighted to see a swimming pool and natural mini falls close to the forested area designed for hiking. I loved the soothing sound of the falls, and i preferred swimming in the natural falls than the pool but my companions hesitated so we kept on walking. Spending my growing up years in the country and in a farm, i was privileged to identify the name of the plants for my city born and bred friends. It was refreshing to see various flowering plants in different hues. What a beautiful morning, it feels like spring!
That early morning walk energised me to go through the day that lasted until 10 in the evening, and i have to go ahead and chill out in the cocktail party afterwards. Fresh from watching the movie version of the broadway musicale Mamma Mia i obliged singing " Thank You for the Music" when asked to sing. It set the mood so i have to sing " Dancing Queen" to the delight of the partyers and they started dancing. Unfortunately, there are some questions in the workshop( working overtime) so i have to go back and join them.
When the clock striked at twelve, like a modern Cinderella, i have to call it a night. I walked towards our cottage and realised that it was a full moon- how nice! I wish i can write poetry while sitting in the verandah watching the moon and a lone star lighting up the sky but verses would not come as i was flooded with memories. I sang " Fly me to the Moon" instead. It has been a long day and i had a good night sleep.
It was a sunny day when i woke up on my third day in the resort. We had planned to check out the forested area and see the sunrise from the top of the hill but i woke up late that i have to skip breakfast to be able to join the activity in time. During the break however, i took time to have a walk, and basked in the sun. The grasses were neatly trimmed and i looked up the bright sky while lying in the green grasses. I have always thought that summer is great in the beaches but staying in the hills this time with the warm weather and the beautifully landscaped resort, it would be fun given such setting. I always believed that clouds up in the sky are coloured off-white just like what i see from the windows of the planes during day flights but why lying there alone, i discovered that some clouds, or majority of them are coloured gray. Was it because of the storm? Or i have been really colourblind all along as my friends would love to tease me in the past?
Regardless, staying in that resort has been very memourable enough with varying conditions everyday. In some ways, i have been through three seasons- in Pranjetto Hills.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Missing Melbourne

birthday present from precious friends

my Melbourne babies

tram stop leading to my apartment

the Ministry of Justice

the busy and happy Bourke Street at Christmas

the Yarra River

my favourite park

the Christmas tram

Luna Park and Palais Theatre

St Kilda

meeting friends at my favourite cafe

Chapel Street, Australia's shopping mecca

flowers at the Conservatory on a summer

festivities at Federation Square

Flinders Station at night

city road

bridge to St Kilda Beach, my favourite spot

my favourite places in the City of Melbourne

Suddenly it hit me- i am missing the captivating City of Melbourne terribly. Since its geographically located Down Under, its now Winter in there, when most countries have to bear their Summers. I miss my independent, quiet and happy life back Down Under. I miss the favourite places where i had been- alone or with friends or somewhat almost special ones. I miss the people i connected with, my uni mates, my political science students society friends, my university choral society and my gospel choir. I miss my closest friends in uni and church, our mentors, the locals and migrants that i met and even the kind strangers who readily give their smiles the moment you meet their eyes. I reckon the people of Melbourne, are among the friendliest people, in addition to its already lovely places, no wonder why it is called the " world's most liveable city."

Thank goodness, i was able to take lots of photos that i still have to organise. Pictures say a thousand words as one song says so i wont write much about it anymore and just share my favourite spots while staying in Melbourne. If asked to describe it in one word, i would say- fantastic!

And somehow i wish that i would be there again- soon.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


... an act of kindness, a source of joy

While waiting for my appointment with my doctor earlier, i chanced to read this passage about joy. I fully agree with Ralph's thoughts and i wish to beautify myself like this way.
There is no beautifier of complexion, or form, or behavior, like the wish to scatter joy and not pain around us. 'Tis good to give a stranger a meal, or a night's lodging. 'Tis better to be hospitable to his good meaning and thought, and give courage to a companion. We must be as courteous to a man as we are to a picture, which we are willing to give the advantage of a good light. -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, July 7, 2008


" Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot cure"

from the Hymn, Come Ye Disconsolate, Words by Thomas Moore 1816, Alt. Thomas Hastings 1831, Music by Samuel Webbe Sr. 1792

I was intensely affected by what seemed to be endless natural calamities bringing human sufferings to Myanmar, China and the Philippines. Every news of pain, of anguish, of losses has in one way or another caused me to feel bad about what's happening. Will these series human sufferings end? When?
Singing this hymn while attending the service in my favourite cathedral has gave me the answer. Yes, earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot cure- if we do not falter to believe.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

The Serenity Prayer


I was in a very traumatic incident and i can hardly sleep- sort of a delayed reaction i guess. I have always found it difficult to bounce back from a public scandal and humiliation caused by people who enjoys power playing and harrasing people. It all started with my reaction to someone's behaviour openly expressing my opinion saying;" Oh, so you do not have any humanitarian concern at all." I was with a 64 year old woman and along with my 3 companions, we expected for a special consideration for this senior citizen. The harrasment was done in 3 parts, like 3 scenes in a movie. I tried to keep my cool as much as i can despite the verbal assaults. My companions found it unbearable and on the third strike, they came to my rescue. I wanted to cry to ease the pain of the verbal lashings and public humiliation but but tears wont fall. My physiological system probably believes its not worth a tear. I tried to walk yesterday, i should run later. Somehow, writing about it has made me feel better. I hope i will be well soon.

I can hardly memorise this prayer so i have to surf the net to get the words, thanks to the author, its soothing.

The Serenity Prayer
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful worldas it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things rightif I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.Amen.
--Reinhold Niebuhr

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;in all your ways acknowledge him,and he will direct your paths.
Proverbs 3, 5-6
Tommorrow is another day, and i refuse to be affected by outward circumstances, do i?

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


...serenity captured
(photo taken by Orange Tulip on her way to Calauit Island, Philippines)

There are people who have been criticising the Dalai Lama for various reasons. On the contrary, I admire him in some ways and most importantly, i find his profound thoughts enlightening. In a chaos world, where both natural calamities and man-made acts result to painful human sufferings, this Nobel Lecture on Peace by the Dalai Lama somehow makes sense. Here it is:

Peace, in the sense of the absence of war, is of little value to someone who is dying of hunger or cold. It will not remove the pain of torture inflicted on a prisoner of conscience. It does not comfort those who have lost their loved ones in floods caused by senseless deforestation in a neighboring country. Peace can only last where human rights are respected, where the people are fed, and where individuals and nations are free.

True peace with oneself and with the world around us can only be achieved through the development of mental peace. The other phenomena mentioned above are similarly interrelated. Thus, for example, we see that a clean environment, wealth or democracy mean little in the face of war, especially nuclear war, and that material development is not sufficient to ensure human happiness.

Material progress is of course important for human advancement. In Tibet, we paid much to little attention to technological and economic development, and today we realize that this was a mistake. At the same time, material development without spiritual development can also cause serious problems. In some countries too much attention is paid to external things and very little importance is given to inner development. I believe both are important and must be developed side by side so as to achieve a good balance between them. Tibetans are always described by foreign visitors as being a happy, jovial people. This is part of our national character, formed by cultural and religious values that stress the importance of mental peace through the generation of love and kindness to all other living sentient beings, both human and animal. Inner peace is the key: if you have inner peace, the external problems do not affect your deep sense of peace and tranquillity. In that state of mind you can deal with situations with calmness and reason, while keeping your inner happiness. This is very important. Without this inner peace, no matter how comfortable your life is materially, you may still be worried, disturbed or unhappy because of circumstances.-HHDalai Lama,The Nobel Lecture, December 11, 1989

Not so long ago, in a world where happiness is usually equated with having achieved or acquired something, i have always argued that happiness is simply being content for who you are, where you are and who you are with. Yet i found out that still, outside circumstances and significant others, can still affect one's happiness. After several heart wrenching episodes in my life, i have realised that the road to inner peace resulting to inner happiness is simply being content-regardless.
May inner peace stay with me and you.