the joy of having a rainbow after a storm
the joy of watching the sunset after the rain
the joy of having peace and quiet
the joy of watching seagulls by the beach
" The ultimate point of life is joy"
" Le but ultime de la vie c'est la joie"
-from my Ivory bar soap
I was wondering if Ivory soap would be good for my skin. Already bothered by prices of hypoallergenic popular brands that i have been using, i thought i'd give it a try and ask my doctor if there would be some reactions. I immediately got one when i saw the words scribbled on the packaging of the bar soap, " The ultimate point of life is joy" along with its French translation. I was contemplating to enroll in a French language studies since i became interested of both studying and working in France. Why not? After all, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was signed in Paris in December 10, 1948 and since it is my subject of interest at the moment it might be great to go there.
I had introductory language studies in French many years back but i quit with the lame excuse that- i am doing a lot of things at the same time. Prior to French, i thought learning the Arabic would be interesting but i have to quit after a couple of one-to-one sessions as my Dad cannot accompany me every session( i was a minor then). Three years back, i ventured in studying the Italian language which i immensely enjoyed at the start but for personal reasons, i quit. Seems that i am only good at starting things, eh? So while still contemplating if i would really enroll in French, learning a few words or few sentences on my own would not hurt.
"Le but ultime de la vie c'est la joie". These words make me smile in agreement. Yes, the ultimate point of life is joy! A three letter word, joy is seen in varying perspectives by individuals of varying backgrounds, personal experiences and values. Some find joy in simple things while others, in bigger things. Some find joy in their solitary moments while others find it in the company of significant others, friends, family or bigger crowds. Some find it in the comforts of their homes while others find it on their overseas travels . Am i getting mixed up with happiness versus joy? Nevertheless, it has led me to retrospection.
The old, but ever reliable Merriam Webster dictionary gives the meaning enties of the word d joy as a noun- 1) the emotion evoked by well being, success or good fortune or by the prospect of posessing what one desires; delight 2) the expression or exhibition of such emotion; gaiety 3) a state of happiness or felicity; bliss 4) a source or cause of a delight while as a verb, joy means to experience great pleasure or delight. Happiness on the other hand means good fortune; prosperity, 2) a state of well-being and contentment; joy, 3) a pleasurable or satisfying experience; felicity, aptness
Well- both practically are synonymous but i have read in one of my father's books that happiness is an emotion resulting from an outward circumstance/s and is fleeting while joy is from within and is felt regardless of the outward circumstances and is lasting. The author has successfully argued the difference of happiness and joy that growing up, i am in constant search not for happiness, but for joy.
Joy is just a three letter word but its meaning varies between individuals depending on their background or personal circumstances. Yet i reckon that no words can suffice to define or describe joy- it is just felt in the heart, maybe for a simple, huge, or probably for no reason at all. It might be a thrill of feeling in love transcending to joy. I also reckon that it is like an oasis in the desert bringing comfort to a weary traveller if he/she is lucky enough to discover but it is always there. Just like the oasis waiting to be discovered, joy is just inside our hearts. Outward circumstances might bring us disappointments, pain, or grief but if we truly find ways to rediscover, joy is just there within us.
The most remarkable and memourable description of joy to me is from my then seven year old nephew(who was born after his parents were married for seven years). He finds joy in the thought that he is too much loved- by his parents, grandparents, kid sister, uncles and aunts including me. He told me that he is happy to receive small and big presents like chocolates, cakes, burgers, fries, toys, clothes, shoes and other things " of value' but he finds tremendous joy when he is showered with hugs and kisses and simply spending time with him. This is probably why when i go home and bring him along to my parents' house, he would always request for a " breakfast in bed", show his sketches and other artworks, ask me to sit down and listen as he plays the piano, wakes up early to join me do brisk walking or walk the puppy some mornings, or simply ask me to listen to his numerous stories.
When i bid temporary farewells to him he would always ask when will i be coming back and when i would ask what present would he like me to bring him he answers " You dont have to bring anything, just save the money to buy tickets to go home as soon as you can. Nothing brings me much joy than having you around because spending time with me brings much joy uncomparable to any presents you have or anyone has given me. "
Such a wisdom from a child but it makes so much sense. This is probably why everytime i give him a call, he would always ask " When will you be coming home?" I would always answer " Surprise!" because i dont want to disappoint him by stating a specific date and time and make him wait in vain if i cannot push through as scheduled.
Yet i am planning to make it soon and i will join him and his kid sister to enjoy the sea and sand, under the sun. As we frolic by the beach and sunbathe, i will also teach him and kid sister a little French, now that i have perfected the line-" Le but ultime de la vie c'est la joie".
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