Mummy black swan with baby swans
Queenscliff ferry to Sorrento
taken while in the chairlift, Arthur's seatphotos taken by Mummy Hen on a Summer long drive in Country Victoria
"Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile. "
-Franklin P. Jones
I was thinking of my beloved Mummy Henny since July is her month- yes, July 16 was the day when she was sent as an angel to become human and live on earth for us to have a dear Mummy Henny since five winters ago. An unparalleled cook, she lovingly whips up various delectable dishes for us whenever we feel like eating delicious foods, even if she is tired from school and part-time work. Her idea of relaxation is shopping and i am her favourite companion along with Daddie. I love it when we do long drives to the country, walking on the big trees and ferns in Dandenong Forest and feeding the birds too. The most memourable time was when we went camping one summer with my sister Nic and my almost brother-in-law, a very private person who got irritated everytime i shout with glee and joyful abandon at the fabulous sights along the way. Well, i only giggle and smile if its his turn to get excited and say " fantastic!" everytime he finds a sight interesting.
Words are not enough to give her a well- deserved tribute but clearly, she is a love personified. She did not make the world go round for us, her " adopted children" but has made our Melbourne studies and life very much worthwhile. As Mummy Hen's favoured daughter, it was tremendously happy one for me. Practically and figuratively, she was always there for me. When someone badly hurt me- the motherly overprotective trait in her wanted to initiate war, and when i decided to keep silent she respected me but saw it through that i have to be healed of the pains inflicted to me. Even if i looked quite sophisticated with liberated ideas and as she puts it-" having opinions about anything" Mummy Hen saw me as a naive, willing prey to few abusive individuals because i trusted too much, over a short period of knowing a certain person. What is very touching is before leaving Melbourne, she chose to entrust me with someone who knows how to deeply care, my big brother Primo with the firm request to see to it that nobody should be allowed to hurt me again-ever. Of course by then i had already bounced back and knew how to take care and defend myself against unscrupulous people pretending to be a friend at the start, and i have became very careful in expressing my unsolicited opinions which has dragged me to wrong interpretations by those having "small minds"- as per Mummy Hen's thoughtful advise. I cried a lot a couple of weeks prior to her flight back home, and we cried and hugged each other as i practically stayed in her apartment a week before her departure date. A day before her flight, in our attempt to cheer ourselves up, we had chocolate overload at our favourite hang-out, Max Brenner.
Her nurturing character is exceptional. She was the most worried everytime i get sick or unbecomingly quiet. I remembered her most thoughtful ways through the following events. I have always wanted to celebrate my own birthday quietly so she respected it by organising it for me as quietly as she could. It was an unforgetable barbecue party one spring morning along the Yarra River with only a dozen or so few close friends that we both handpicked and we all had fun. It was examination month but everybody made it a point to come and i felt very much loved after a traumatic verbal assault in public( from a supposedly holy woman leading a bible study that i refused to attend.) My next birthday however was sort of a debut, or coming out party organised by my batchmates " the cuties" for me. It was attended by around 25 friends (yes, that was already a big party for me) and there were heaps of delectable food preparations. My beautiful sister Emmaline cleaned up, prepared her place and also cooked for that party and we had tremendous fun! My MummyHen, who was then working part-time while studying full-time was very tired in the preparation to the actual occasion as she just slept a few winks before cooking after her night-shift job for the party, but she managed well. And just as i have been saving for my planned birthday attire displayed in my favourite Esprit shop, she surprised me a week prior to my birthday by bringing it one day and asked me to fit those clothes, her birthday present for me. I was both surprised and happy. Looking at the photos a few days later, i can see so much joy and so much love poured over that occassion- my own coming out party. And sometimes i feel guilty i have not returned the favour- well, not yet, to organise or even cook something special for my Mummy Henny's own birthday party.
Happy birthday Mummy Henny, i still have the card that i was supposed to send to you prior to your birthday( i was smiling when i got this from a shop and immediately thought of you). I will send this to you soon but i wanna remember the message which says " On your birthday, i wont embarass you by asking how old you are...(dot dot dot) and when you will open it the question pops out , " How much do you weigh? " Looking at the card and thinking of you makes me smile, and giggle too. I am missing you heaps!!!
Well, i dont really care if you weigh too little or too much or just enough- i just wanna let you know that you are much loved regardless. Have a great birth month Mummy Henny! Your most prodigal daughter will try her best to find a way to see you soon and give you much deserved birthday hugs and kisses. Meantime, cheers!
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