Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Life in the Country Side

Hibiscus flower by the road

"an Amorsolo setting, a rice farm"

"banana trees close to a flowering plant along the rice fields"

"the nipa hut, close to the rice fields"

"the road i travelled"

all photos were taken by orange tulip in her latest exploration

i was able to visit a small farm somewhere in the countryside of Cotabato and the experience continues to thrill me up to this moment.last night i took a bath close to the half-century old trees with fireflies, under a few stars lighting up a dark sky. i relished sleeping with the windows open with the night and early morning breeze lightly touching my face. i had a great sleep and was late for breakfast of fresh fruits especially picked for me earlier this morning.

i sought a company of a little girl and had a brief walk outside the farm, in a small road nearby. i did not mind even if this girl keeps on telling me that almost everybody keeps staring at me. i simply told her they do not know me that's why. she argued i am gorgeous that's why. i told her i just look a little different and stopping briefly along the way, took these photos.

it has been a while since i had not seen a nipa hut, then the common shelter for Filipinos which was of course changed to what they think as better houses well because they are made of stone and cement and the commercial house construction materials. i still wish i can sleep in one of the nipa huts close to the farm and relish the pure joy of simple living.

what i found really remarkable is that, amidst the news of recent bombing in Iligan City(Lanao de Norte, a charming city i was able to drop by in June of last year on our way to Cagayan de Oro from Zamboanga) this small village with a combined population of Muslims and Christians are seemingly living their lives normally. i am glad to see farmers and other people planting rice in a farm nearby, the men bringing some farm harvests to the market and the women and chidren helping each other in their daily activities. in particular, i saw a Muslim woman and her child preparing for what seemed to be something to be used in their rice farm. they looked so content doing the chore together, and even though i wanted to introduce myself and start a brief chat with the mother and his little boy, i became content watching them from afar. it was a sight exactly opposite of how troubled Mindanao has been, with scared children and women running as seen in television and newspaper reports about five months ago. in contrast, what i saw this morning was-a lovely sight to behold. how i wish i can linger for a few minutes more, but the little girl accompanying me on my walk has decided to go ahead, so i have to catch up with her pace.

and i wish that the sight i saw will continue. and i wish peace both in the hearts of these villagers and in their
village and all other troubled villages not only in Cotabato but in the neighbouring provinces and the entire Mindanao.

and i wish that it would not be too much- for me to be wishing for peace in the Philippines, India, troubled parts of Asia, Middle East and the rest of the world.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Trees and Artworks

these photos were taken while these Christmas trees and artworks were on exhibit at
"The Block" SM North in Quezon City, Philippines.accordingly, these were created by various artists, across ages.

i wish i was able to express my appreciation to their works personally. the works are all beautiful.indeed, they all are!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Nativity Scene

Christ, the Son of God, born in humble circumstances

the Shepherds, and Three Wise Men giving homage the King of Kings

For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given. And His name, shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father Prince of Peace
- from the Song For Unto Us a Child is Born
(Handel's Messiah)

for the past couple of years, i had this penchant for visiting and taking photos of the Christmas tree as they come in various shapes, sizes, colours. for this year however,i had a huge interest in visiting various locations where the nativity, a reenactment of Christ's birth on earth is being done. of course the most interesting aspect of it is the baby Jesus born of the Virgin Mary.yet somehow, it gives me much excitement to note that the Three Wise Men travelled from afar, with the exceptionally beautiful star as a guide. they brought precious gifts and more detalis about the Christmas story is told in the bible, in books and in Christmas carols.

many years after, Christmas is filled with lots of lavish gatherings, festivities and merrymaking. moreover, the gift giving is also practiced and it brings joy both to those who give and receive gifts.

and in this world where recession has loomed as a result of the Wall Street collapse, and the gasoline nosediving to around $34 per barrel from around $9o less than five months ago, it is still heartwarming to remember that the real reason for the season is Christ's birth in a humble manger in Bethlehem, a couple of thousand years ago, bringing love and hope to mankind.

this is the reason why amidst the turmoil and the hardships beyond our control, we can still smile and hope for better days and perhaps happier days ahead.

yeah, Christ is the reason for the season. happy Christmas!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Lemon Tea

my lemon tea, with few chocolates

the relaxed ambiance that delighted me

i was in the mall last saturday- a feat i haven't done for a while. i was hoping to watch the sunset by the bay and meet my brother afterwards. i was only able to do the latter and because it was the second day of having an upset stomach(probably as a result of eating other foods aside from my regular veggie and fruit diet on a party), i tried to find a not so crowded place to have a drink. i asked the lady in the counter upon placing an order which is their best selling, and lemon tea was suggested. true enough, the tea tasted well and i felt a little better after a few sip. i wanted to ask for a hot water refill but the store is starting to close. tea is meant to be enjoyed and not to be sipped in a hurry so i settled on my first tea serving.

but then again, i needed to go to the nearest pharmacy and buy some medicines for my stomach. yet my lemon tea experience was fantastic.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


" watching sunset in St Kilda Beach", by orange tulip

" watching the boats in St Kilda", by orange tulip

"watching people in St Kilda Beach", by orange tulip

A friend loveth at all times
-the Holy Bible

Today is Primo's birthday. It is also the 60th anniversary of the United Nations declaration of the Universal Charter of Human Rights. I take time to appreciate Primo for practically granting me all my rights to express myself. I would not dwell on the human rights anniversary and concerns related thereto but would write all about Primo. I haven't seen him nor communicated with him since March of this year (a crook took my mobile phone away i lost all my numbers with it) and i have been up to other concerns. Last year, when he failed to hear from me at all for a couple of months( he got used knowing every big and small details of my life like a blood brother) he was very worried and tried his mighty best to find any news about me from our other friends. After our little talk over the phone and finally meeting him again (sadly at the wake of his father after two years of not seeing each other) he stopped(i hope) worrying even if he could not hear any news from me for quite a while. By now probably he knows that even though i am not always well, i always strive to be happy.

I met Primo in November of 2003 but it was only in December of that year that we started talking. Fresh from a verbal assault in public "discourtesy" of a lady who is a friend of one of his friends, i shunned people whom this lady has been connecting with- in whatever way. I have been practically unfair at that time but when someone is hurt and still hurting, like what i have been through- i did not care about fairness at the time. He was introduced by the president of our student organisation but i was unfriendly to him at the outset, simply because he was quiet and a bit reserved. He was pretty much an intellectual being a professor at the premier university in the Philippines and at the time that i met him, he was taking his doctorate studies as a scholar in the University of Melbourne. For someone trying to find her place under the sun leaving her Communication studies to do Political Science(my close friends tease me that i am a Tourism major because i love travelling while studying and enjoyed exploring all the possible places of interest in the uni and the city every single day), meeting someone like him is quite daunting for me.

I started really connecting with him when a close friend of my female friend has to go back to the country on a very urgent family concern. I have to accompany her in a farewell party hosted by Primo in his apartment. The philosopher and psychologist in him in a"truth and consequence" game has asked me a question i can still remember up to this time. " If there is any circumstance in your life that you want to change and capable of doing so at this time- what is it, and why?" I was hurting from a failed romance (without him knowing it) so that question hit me, bulls eye. I reponded by crying even though i abhor crying in public, much more in front of strangers. They have to stop this fun session, allowed me to cry and gave me cold water to drink.(When we became close, and from a friend he turned out to become my brother- he heard me laughing as loudly as i can most of the time, he confessed that i scared him really well during that night, when i first set foot in his apartment.) We then both laughed about that incident and moved forward.

Another choir (aside from the university choral society where i sang along every week) had a very special number to celebrate the United Nations Day, and we were asked to invite friends over. I chose to invite him, because i wanted to get closer to him at the time although i was not expecting, (given his very tight schedule) for him to be there. Surprisingly, he arrived and we had lunch together afterwards, joined by another then male friend and my female friend close to him. That was the start of a beautiful friendship, and later on-kinship. Having a foster father who looked like a former president and he looking like the first son himself (although i do not look every inch of the first daughter, i was our foster father's favourite "daughter"), our close friends called us as we call ourselves the "first family". Primo and me fondly called each other based on the names in the "first family" and we both called our foster father "Dad" to our own and our listener's delight.

Over our friendship, or kinship for that matter, i have learned a lot of lessons from Primo. Numerous as they are, i will focus on a few outstanding ones. First, being an observant makes someone learn more about things and about people. Most of the time, specially in parties where we usually meet, he enjoys taking photos and sits by himself instead of socialising with others and meeting more people. Remembering my dear friend Edward's email sometime four years ago saying " i'd rather watch people dance happily, than me dancing sadly" and reminiscing the wisdom that Primo had by enjoying "watching people" i relish the experience of "watching people dance happily" since then, most of the time capturing moments using my camera. Yes, participant observation as quality researchers put it, in many circumstances not only during parties(which i have shunned away from a couple of years ago due to health concerns) have given me some form of joy and taught me valuable life lessons.

Second, Primo probably unconsciously taught me the virtue of listening. A good listener himself, he is extremely articulate in our candid conversations, intellectual discussion with my brilliant friends and even in a bigger group of people with various backgrounds. He looks quiet and unassuming at the outset but when he participates in any kind of conversation, one can discover how well read, well educated and well travelled he had been, yet his feet are always firmly planted in the ground. Now i do not participate in many conversations as actively as i had been- i now enjoy listening and learn from the lessons that my listening has given me. Moreover, as he has enjoyed being a confidante to almost all who had "personal troubles" i emerged to be at certain times became a "confidante" like him and enjoyed listening. I can still express my opinions after listening intently and accordingly, it has helped these people who approached me for " help". Now i realised that simply listening can help both friends and strangers alike, but in the process, has helped me too. An author in one of my father's books that i saw in his library wrote" one cannot experience everything in his own lifetime so one has to listen to the experiences of others, and learn lessons from it. "

Third, "he practiced what he preached," so to speak. One rarely gets few words of scolding from him but most of the time, his one liners or short statements are not only "thought provoking" but makes one think deeper, search his/her own innermost thoughts and feelings, do "soul searching" maybe, and realise that he's got a point which he usually always had. Unlike his churchmates who had been flaunting about the "new faith" that they embraced, or the "bible studies" and "prayer meetings" that they held yet lived differently in contrast to that expected of them, or the teachings that they have embraced. Primo, on the other hand, never talked much about his faith- he just lived by it and simply made a difference in the process.

Fourth, he has this considerably high level of tolerance both to the very pleasant and to the extremely unpleasant people that i knew in our small society of overseas students, pretty much practicing the idea of "unconditional love". Being the brat that i had been, i refused to party, dine and talk to few unpleasant and insecure people that have hurt me either intentionally or not and he understood me very well. He never asked, requested nor pushed me to befriend his friends that i disliked(and vice versa), but respected my feelings and waited until, in my own time-heal and forgive and finally reach out to them- without his prodding in any way. I have always been very straightforward and has been in trouble for standing by my opinions eliciting some unkind reactions from other people. I funnily remember now, three years ago, he never stopped ringing me until he finally talked to me. He warned me not to visit him in his apartment nor meet him up in the city because he received a threat from someone " to show me what i deserve" by probably berating me out(for an opinion that i expressed days earlier over a mundane issue) in public. Knowing fully well the trauma that i have been through from another lady , he became very protective of me like a kind big brother and he wanted to make it sure i would not undergo the same experience all over again. Among all our friends, aside from my dear Mummy Henny, it was Primo who fully understood my thoughts and feelings about a lot of things, and people. And he knew the guys i went out with- liked a little, liked a lot, disliked, almost, or probably fell in love with . Most importantly, he fully understood me simply because we belong to almost similar childhood, with almost similar family values and almost similar threads forming our moral fibers. He knew a lot of my secrets (well, around that time those were almost public knowledge anyway) but after some time, at his suggestion, i learned to select which topics would be discussed with new friends from that of old friends or even strangers. He recognised that i have the "gift of the gab" alright, but most often than not, this gift has worked to my disadvantage.

Fifth, along with my Mummy Henny, Primo showed me the fulfillment of performing through dance. I had no problem in singing but i had lots of issues when it comes to dancing in public. Since it was the "festival of nations" all international students organisations were required to render a performance as part of the cultural exchange. It took them, along with the president of our student organisation a lot of time and effort to make me participate after telling me that the role of a dancing princess was only fit for me. Primo, practically stopped writing his thesis outline then, to accompany me in the market, (along with the organisation's former secretary) for me to select and buy the stuff that i need for that dance. And thoughtfully, he patiently designed and did a couple of wonderful fans that is necessary for me to use in that performance. On the actual performance itself, i wanted to stop in the middle of it ( i was very nervous) but he, being with the next performers awaiting their turn told me sternly to " finish it off'" when i tried to exit unceremoniously so i had to go back to the stage and perform until my part was done. It was a big help that i have to do the dancing alone so any mistake/s committed was /were never noticed by the audience at all. In fact, i was complimented for the "fantastic dance" when i passed by a group of other students enthralled by my/our dance number. We were the most photographed group offstage later.

Sixth, he showed me the simple joy of staying home especially on a warm summer. Being away from the family, i looked at my apartment like a prison at some point so i always loved to be away most of the time and go home just before midnight for a shower and sleep. Our
"tea parties" at Mummy Hen's(they finally got a sofa bed for me for my sleeping over nights, my home being away from the uni) and visiting Primo in his apartment, watching and sometimes joining him cook then eating together aftewards have showed me the simple joys of simply staying home. What was very remarkable is that he was the first who cooked lamb steak for me and i was able to appreciate this dish (i always preferred beef) and from then on, i tried to learn how to use my own stove at home, and cook for myself those " experimental dishes" as he lovingly named it.

Seventh, he showed me that "art" itself is one, if not the best form of expressing one's appreciation to another. I had difficult times while studying overseas and after overcoming my compulsion to go to the casino alone to have fun instead of talking to friends and bothering them about my troubles, i rediscovered the joy of talking it out to the waves- so i relished going to my favourite beach alone. Later, he found out that going to St Kilda Beach was a huge part of my "coping" with personal difficulties. Some other days he took his time to accompany me there- the best place i am comfortable to "open up" about my personal troubles. I was undergoing another difficult time a couple of years ago and by instinct, he sent me a photo of this beach by e-mail(i had the luxury of checking my emails regularly then) which in many ways have been my refuge from it all due to its proximity to the city. That picture have comforted me in many ways. When my Mummy Henny visited in autumn of last year, he sent me his acrylic painting of the spot where i usually linger right in front of the beach, with a note of encouragement which i always read from time to time. I had that painting(i never knew he could paint really well until i saw his work!) framed and i always bring it with me everywhere i go. When my days are not well or whenever i am in pain, i look at that painting, and it brings huge relief and encouragement to me. And i thank God for giving me the gift of having a friend doubling as a brother in Primo. Sometimes i wonder if at some point he learned from me or he enjoyed my friendship or kinship when we were still in Melbourne. My musings were answered by the first artwork that he gave me(prior to going home for Christmas break) thanking me for the laughs that i gave him, and making his stay in Melbourne much memourable by being his sister. I still keep that card to this day and it never failed to make me smile.

Finally, Primo taught me that life involves "taking risks" all the time. The last time we saw each other was in February of this year, at the wake of his father. As usual, i got lost like i alwyas do being bad in directions-but he patiently waited for me to alight from the vehicle who took me where the wake of his father was, even if there was a continuous downpour. It was a happy reunion, regardless of the circumstances and it was a joy to meet his sisters and his mom. They are one big happy family and we hit it off easily, even to his friends. I felt like it was not a meeting for the first time. I felt like a cousin or kid sister being away for few long years that they missed, coming home for a reunion(especially when his eldest sister asked me about his personal, well, lovelife but i have learned his ways of evading personal questions and keeping secrets so they only got few clues about girls who probably liked him but i did not name any particular girl). Since it was raining continuously, the eldest sister and probably the most articulate of them all (he was the youngest and the only male in the brood) asked if they can probably postpone the burial supposedly scheduled the next day. Primo refused, taking in consideration of the people who have already filed leave from work, or travelled from far places to be able to make it in the burial. His statement was profound-" What is the guarantee that even if we postpone tomorrow's burial, the weather would be better the next day, and it would not rain, the next days after?" Life is all about taking small and big risks and right there and then, i learned another lesson from my dear brother Primo.

Have a happy birthday Brother Bear Primo. I wish you all the best and i hope to see you again soon. Enjoy your day! Cheers, cheers!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Second Candle of Advent: Peace

hoping for peace on earth

To take each moment
and live each moment
in peace, eternally.
Let there be Peace on Earth,
and let it begin with me.
-from the song " Let there Be Peace on Earth"
(Words and Music by Jill Jackson and Sy Miller, Circa 1955)

yesterday was quite memourable for me because i arrived an hour late for the Vesper Service in my favourite church in Manila, which unusually started an hour earlier from the regular time that i knew. i usually join the morning service but i was late so i opted to attend the vesper and to my surprise, it started an hour ealier. scrolling "the spire" where the announcement part is, i found out that it was sort-of experimental. the write-up about christmas as a celebration brought much inspiration to me.
i was quite disappointed missing lots of singing hymns, but regardless, i was quite happy to be able to catch the anthem and message part, down to the communion towards closing. the message was delivered very candidly but meaningfully- as compared to the very formal and typically evangelical style that i relish in the morning services.

i love listening to this pastor because clearly, he has a vast knowledge about almost anything. i consider him as an intellectual, with very impressive background, and armed with a degree from an American university, yet he is capable to "level off" so to speak, to his listeners of various background. however, his very candid style on that vesper is another interesting revelation about him. and boy, he did not mind singing as a part of his message, and he sings really well!

part of the message was an anecdote about a daughter's account of his father whom he has been away from for long seventeen years. there was an interplay of awaiting for the messiah, with hopes and excitement that it brings, and that of a young daughter(who grew up away from his father who has been working overseas as a chef) awaiting and finally spending quality time with her dad.

their reunion showed the difference between reality from the ideal and the daughter was very upset to find out that her dad was human enough to have the so called "vices". she discovered that he drank too much and smoked a lot, leading to his lung cancer. there was a struggle on her part , either to resent his father's presence or just forgive him and make his few days in earth a lot happier. she, along with her siblings and mother chose the latter.

the pastor stressed the issue of putting else's feet on someone's shoes and being away from home for quite a time, and studying overseas i can easily relate to the struggles, pains and coping mechanism of someone away from home, much more from his country. and this is a lot more special case because i was away studying for less than three years but the subject was away to work and send money for his family for seventeen long years. quoting from the message it said " we have realised that drinking and perhaps smoking were coping mechanism to survive the loneliness, strangement, alienation that he experienced to give us a life." further it said " we decided to love him inspite of who he was and what he has done to himself. we put ourselves in his shoes. "

the pastor excellently made a simile on the unconditional love that we as humans have received from our Creator. and from the resentment that the daughter has felt towards his father, they decided to love and take care of him, regardless. qouting he said " there is a change of heart that is necessary in order to wait for the coming of the Lord."

it was the second sunday of advent so the second candle was lighted- the candle of peace. there was this usual partaking of bread and wine as part of the worship which are all emotionally and spiritually enriching. the singer in me has always considered singing as a part of worship so i love doing the hymns. the song let there be peace on earth was the closing song. it has been ages since i sang this song and i felt sublime. this is because a couple of weeks or so, i was looking at the mumbai tragedy in india, the unrest in bangkok, thailand and i rejoiced over the appointment of a new peace panel head in mindanao because he is a diplomat.

and i reckon there is still hope for peace and letting it begin with me is quite a hurdle, but trying to do so would make a lot of difference. and the image of the christmas decoration that i took in davao city in the christmas of 2007 came back to my mind. and so for the third time i have to upload this picture in this blog even i have used it for my cry for peace in mindanao. http://reckonsofspring.blogspot.com/2008/08/cry-for-peace-in-mindanao.html, http://reckonsofspring.blogspot.com/2008/08/continuing-cry-for-peace-in-mindanao.html

the lines of the song " to take each moment and live each moment in peace, eternally" brought moments of reflection on my part. did i, on my best efforts, took each moment and lived each moment in peace over the past few days, months or years? if not- then probably i could start doing it today. why not?

yeah, let there be peace on earth- and let it begin with me.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Its December!

"Christmas at the Shang Plaza, 2007" by orange tulip

This December,
That love weighs more than gold!
~Josephine Dodge Daskam Bacon

i always looked forward for Decembers because i am fascinated by the colours and the moods that the festivities bring- yeah, Christmas is around the corner! let the celebrations begin!

but yes, i have to remember- love weighs more than any of these material things that delights me and perhaps everyone else. so i will be filling my travelling bag soon and make my way to give more love to my ageing parents, reconnect with my siblings and have fun with the kids!

and i have ro remind myself of the real reason for the season- Christ's birth bringing love and hope to mankind.