Thursday, October 30, 2008

Monday, October 27, 2008
Garry's Day

Sunday, October 26, 2008

To find the universal elements enough; to find the air and the water exhilarating; to be refreshed by a morning walk or an evening saunter ... to be thrilled by the stars at night; to be elated over a bird's nest or a wildflower in spring—these are some of the rewards of the simple life.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Mindanao, The Land Once Promised
The Farmer’s Reaction Multiplied
This farmer, as reported by the Mindanao Bureau of the Philippine Daily Inquirer http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/inquirerheadlines/nation/view/20081016-166596/Military-bracing-for-trouble-in-South captured the sentiments of the ordinary people of Mindanao(Philippines). It now makes sense to me why long before this MOA-AD issue, it was called “The Promised Land”. I was telling few friends that at least they tried to give semantics to such three words. A part of Mindanao “was promised” to the MILF by the GRP Peace Panel through the MOA-AD, sadly without any consultations with concerned persons.
Thanks to their proactivity, local officials of North Cotabato, Iligan City and Zamboanga (who claimed that they were not consulted by the government panel) were able to beat the signing of the “initialed” MOA-AD scheduled in Malaysia by filing a temporary restraining order at the Supreme Court. Thus the promise to give specific parts of Mindanao as mentioned in the supposedly “peace agreement” was temporarily unfulfilled pending to the Supreme Court Decision of the Philippines which activated the “tantrum- like” behaviour of MILF Commanders Bravo and Kato leading to a so-called "rampage" in North Cotabato and Lanao del Norte resulting to many losses, pains and sufferings. According to the news reports, “ More than 60 civilians were killed in the attacks and more than 600,000 people have been displaced.” The trauma of those who experienced or witnessed the chaos will always be unquantifiable and probably would take time to heal.
These statistics have brought more chills. If someone has been to Mindanao, he/she would not be scared by the news as it sounds to be. The beauty of the island has always been eclipsed by the "troubles" that the island has underwent. Instead of the nature's bounty, magnificent seascapes and marvelous landscapes, Mindanao is pretty popular for news related to kidnapping, war and lately rampages. It is not really scary to travel and relish nature’s bounty in the island considering that these “rampages”, thank goodness are not everyday. Moreover, the “ military operations” are not on a 24- hour period seven days a week, and only specific areas are “critical. “ Yet when one has passed by or at least tried to make a visit to these evacuation areas (where displaced families including women and children live at least temporarily the length of time is with much uncertainty), then he or she can fully empathise with the sentiments, pains and sufferings of this farmer. Practically, “time stood still” for them and unless real peace where no more killing between opposite forces and at times hitting civilians in the crossfire happens. I keep on wondering and wish that their sufferings would end soon.
Like all others from different sectors who are deeply concerned, I have eagerly awaited for the final decision of the "court of last resort", the Supreme Court while crying for peace in Mindanao (http://reckonsofspring.blogspot.com/2008/08/cry-for-peace-in-mindanao.html) (http://reckonsofspring.blogspot.com/2008/08/continuing-cry-for-peace-in-mindanao.html). I am hopeful that peace will soon be tangible enough or at least felt by the residents of Mindanao.
The News Accounts on the Final Decision
“Respondents’ thesis of violate now, validate later makes a burlesque of the Constitution.”
Justice Antonio Carpio, in his own separate concurring opinion, said the executive branch took on the powers of Congress and the people when it committed the constitutional amendments to pave the way for the agreement’s implementation.
“[Any] peace agreement that calls for amendments to the Constitution—whatever the amendments may be, including the creation of the BJE—must be subject to the constitutional and legal processes of the Philippines,” Carpio said.
Does Malacañang actually expect the public to believe that, on the essential point of defining an expanded territory for what would have been the replacement of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), government peace negotiators proposed an arrangement the President herself did not approve of?
Does Malacañang actually expect the public to believe that, on the extraordinary breakthrough that would have allowed the BJE to set up foreign missions and conduct diplomacy unilaterally, government peace negotiators pulled a fast one on the President?"
Like what I have been expecting, Amando Doronilla, a famous political analyst in the country, whose analysis of various political scenario in the country have immensely helped me while doing political science down under, wrote his exemplary analysis over the matter a day after the most awaited and arguably heralded decision came out. It was very interestingly titled: “ A stinging rebuff to the administration “ http://opinion.inquirer.net/inquireropinion/columns/view/20081017-166834/A-stinging-rebuff-to-the-administration . His analysis are itself stinging with excerpts as follows:
Days before the promulgation of the decision, legal circles buzzed with speculations that the Court might vote to inhibit itself from making a decision on the substantive aspects of the case. And the fact that the Court trumped these apprehensions bolstered its prestige. It showed that in moments of grave national turmoil, as in the case of the renewed separatist war in Mindanao, the justices could transcend considerations of personal gratitude to the appointing power. The decision was a sterling display of independence. It declared the MOA-AD, initialed by the government’s peace panel and that of the separatist Moro Islamic Liberation Front, “contrary to the law and the Constitution.”
The decision resolved two substantive issues, one relating to the manner in which the MOA-AD was negotiated, and the other relating to its provisions. The issues were: (1) Did the government’s peace negotiators violate constitutional and statutory provisions on public consultations and the right to information when they negotiated and initialed the MOA-AD? (2) Do the contents of the MOA-AD violate the Constitution and our laws?
What Happens Now?
Jarius Bondoc, a celebrated and fearless journalist with much passion for truth no matter what or who is involved has been writing a lot about Mindanao in his opinion column Gotcha! for The Philippine Star. (I became his huge fan since his ZTE related expose and I have tirelessly followed his articles containing exposes and analysis and concern about various issues very important to the masses, the latest of which is the ZTE mining in Mindanao that would probably be an interesting subject for another post) His column, as a reaction to the Supreme Court Decision on the Philippine Star was aptly titled “What now for Mindanao? (http://www.philstar.com/archives.php?aid=20081016140&type=2). Although I have attached his whole article I want to underscore his very important point to which I strongly agree. Among other issues, he argued: " It would be tougher now to renew peace talks with Moro separatists. The fault is not with the Supreme Court for junking Malacañang’s Memo of Agreement-Ancestral Domain with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front. The hitch is Malacañang itself. Nobody trusts it anymore to forge a settlement — not the judiciary or the legislature, not the local officials or the military, not the Christians or the Moros."
I believe no Mindanaoan would favour the idea that fighting should go on in the island. After all, every Mindanaoans and Filipinos for that matter has been longing and working for peace even if it has remained elusive all these years. I think even the Muslim secessionists and the government forces are already tired of continuous war and probably, they keep on fighting simply because they have to. Most importantly, the Christians and Muslims, soldiers and rebels either caught in crossfire or displaced, or doing their duty knows the feelings of pain and suffering. And regardless of religion, social and economic status, Mindanaoans would prefer to live harmoniously with each other given the chance.
And while rhetoric about the SC decision is interestingly going on across sectors, I wonder how the families of the 60 people reportedly were killed in the recent war keeps on going after such huge losses, and I wonder how the 600,000 displaced people are living their day- to- day situations in the various evacuation centers where they are housed. Do they have enough food to eat? Can they sleep well at night in their makeshift beds or probably in the grounds? Do they have at least a mat or a blanket to keep them warm in cold or rainy evenings and early mornings and do they have clothes to wear? It has been almost two months since they were displaced and as much as the local officials wanted to help their constituents do they have enough funds to do so? And how could the infants, toddlers, pregnant women, handicapped and senior citizens survive this man-made circumstances?
Search for Other Avenues
As the military are preparing, further avenues are sought by many people from various sectors. (http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/inquirerheadlines/nation/view/20081016-166596/Military-bracing-for-trouble-in-South) . Reports showed concerns for appeal as follows: Appeals for peace continued to be aired in the wake of the high court’s ruling on the MOA-AD.
In Cotabato City, Auxiliary Bishop Jose Colin Bagaforo expressed dissatisfaction with the ruling but expressed the hope that it would not be “the end of everything.”“Peace will still be attained in Mindanao,” Bagaforo said, adding that the government and the MILF only needed to explore other avenues to pursue peace.
In a long-distance call from Switzerland, where he is attending the annual assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, Sen. Rodolfo Biazon said the government should promptly resume peace talks with the MILF. But this time, Biazon wants Indonesia to facilitate the peace talks.“I still maintain my position that the government should explore the possibility of the peace talks being resumed without foreign intervention. If, however, this is not possible, we should explore the proposition that another country be the broker of the peace process instead of Malaysia,” he said.Biazon, the chair of the Senate committee on national defense and security and a former AFP chief of staff, said Malaysia had “conflict of interest” in brokering the peace process because of the standing Philippine claim to the state of Sabah.
The same report stated the reactions of the very people responsible for seeking petition to stop the Peace Negotiating Panel to finalise the "agreement with MILF"since their constituents and their provincea are most affected. Their reactions to the Supreme Court decision are as follows: North Cotabato Vice Gov. Emmanuel Piñol, one of the petitioners against the MOA-AD, urged the government to “reassess and restudy” its position in relation to efforts to solve the so-called Mindanao conflict.“Now is the time to reassess the government’s position on whether to continue talking with the MILF, which does not recognize the Constitution,” Piñol told the Catholic-run Radio dxND in Kidapawan City.Zamboanga City Rep. Isabel Climaco also said the junking of the MOA-AD should make the government rethink its strategies.“The [high court’s] decision should become the government’s guide in talking with the MILF,” she said.Zamboanga City Mayor Celso Lobregat said the decision was “very providential” because it “saved the country from being dismembered.”
Cry Turns to Prayer for Peace
There is always a room for another chance, I believe and I hope both parties would finally sit down and talk to come up with a genuine solution for peace. Mindanao is beautiful- it has the promise of better life for its settlers due to its abundant natural resources- rich soil sunny skies and lovely landscapes and seascapes that could be relished by native settlers and visitors alike, once peace and order is no longer an issue. Lots of blood of both military and secessionist groups has been poured over the land many years and months back, or probably even before i was even born in its very soil- in the process of the search for peace. I hope that sometime in the near future, the lives of these men and women who fought gallantly with each other for the causes that they believed in would not go to waste.
Let us all give peace a chance, who knows, it might work this time?
And I hope that displaced residents just like the farmer who seem does to be quite unaffected by the very significant result of the Supreme Court ruling on MOA-AD mainly because he is focused to a much simpler yet seemingly unfulfilled wish- to be able to go home with his family. And may all others who are suffering or displaced due to once unfulfilled promise- of giving away parts of Mindanao would be able to go home to or with their families too, and go on with their lives.
And my cry for peace turns to a prayer for peace in Mindanao . I pray that it would become a promised land in its real meaning(as far as the peacemakers are concerned)- for it to be finally be peacefully and happily liveable, by Muslims, Christians, the indigenous peoples and migrants alike.
Monday, October 20, 2008

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Monday, October 13, 2008
A River Runs Through It

...glory in the flower
photography by orange tulip
Though nothing can bring back the hour of splendor in the grass
Of glory in the flower we will grieve not
Rather find strength in what remains behind
In the primal sympathy which having been must ever be
In the soothing thoughts that spring out of human suffering
In the faith that looks through death
Thanks to the human heart by which we live
Thanks to its tenderness its joys, its fears
To me the meanest flower that blows can give thoughts that do often lie
too deep for tears
-William Wordsworth 1807 Ode, Intimations of Immortality from Reflections of Early Childhood
These are the lines of a poetry that seemed to reconnect the father and son(Norman Maclean) after the son came home from college after six years from of being away from their village in Montana. He just received an offer to teach English literature in a university in Chicago. I found that scene of father and son alternately reciting the lines of such poem very touching. This is also one of the most memourable part of the movie released in 1992 when Bradd Pitt, one of the actors(playing Paul, the younger Maclean) was deliciously handsome thus his smiles as Paul in the movie has thrilled me to the nines. For Bradd playing Paul, the most memourable part i believe was when he got an extremely huge trout and in jest told his big brother and father" Three years i'll be thinking like a fish" which sadly did not happen. What i really adore in the movie beyond the acting and the gorgeous looks of Bradd are the long shots of the river, the countryside, the landscapes and the lifestyle since it was in a 20th century setting. For health reasons, I have to stay home for the meantime so i have nothing to do except having a complete bedrest, eating vegetables and fruits and at last, on Sunday afternoon watching dvds. I opted to watch those with Bradd Pitt among the actors- "Meet Joe Black" released in 1998 and the other one " A River Runs Through It" released in 1992( now- if Bradd is 44, then he must be 28 around 16 years ago, long before being an ex-husband of Jennifer and a father to Angelina's kids thus his deliciously handsome looks) which was based from the book written by Norman Macleanhttp://www.press.uchicago.edu/Misc/Chicago/500667.html the older of the two brothers who also became the narrator and started off the movie as an old man fishing in a river before doing a flashback of the " family story". I was wondering if it was a documentary but i was not surprised if it was a fiction that sounded a documentary- the way Robert Redford http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0105265/makes movies out of novels.
Paul, who became a writer for the local newspaper( the role was very appealing to me because as a child i wanted to be a journalist and a broadcaster, not or but both -alright but for some reason or another i went to a different field although i never forgot my love and flair for writing) got hooked to gambling, which led to the sad part of the story -he was killed one night and was thrown in the alley. Their father, after being informed by Norman that almost his bones were broken- particularly asked which hand was most broken and the elder son answered "the right hand" which made the father walk away in silent grief(the mother left in silence minutes earlier to grieve on her own perhaps). That beautiful hand held in all glory the big fish captured through the art of fly-fishing in the Bigfoot River on their last fishing together. I was wondering what would be the surprising twist of the story after Paul " perfected the art of fly-fishing" and while he was holding his trophy fish for a picture, savouring that moment Norman his elder brother said " And i knew just clearly and as surely that life is not a work of art and that a moment could not last."
Fishing is fun! I also had the chance to go fishing a few times- albeit in a man-made river with trouts grown for the purpose-but the thought of how quick the trout would pick the bait and the surprise and the excitement of seeing a fish, how large would it be, or who among my companions would beat me to having the first one to "fish" were enough for someone to forget probably anything or anyone for the meantime. Besides, driving to the fishing area seeing beautiful landscapes and vegetation along the way especially during autumn doubles the fun. Most importantly, it served as a good bonding time to people that significantly matter to me. This is one of the rare moments that i truly enjoy doing with my friends and this activity, in addition to frolicking in the snow or the beach are the moments that i truly miss.
In the case of Norman and Paul Maclean, it is really wonderful since they grew together and bonded much as brothers, sometimes along with their father doing fly-fishing. It was a good movie i think, although friends who have watched it in big screen in the past told me that they found it dragging. Well, as long as the extremely lovely smile of Bradd is shown from time to time i have a reason to enjoy the film. It ended on a good note as their father did a remarkable preaching few years before his own death in their old Presbyterian church, as Norman puts it- with Paul in his thoughts:
"It is true we can help those closest to us
Either we don't know what part of ourselves to give
Or more often than not, the part we have to give and is not wanted
So it is those we live with and should know who elude us
But we can still love them
We can love completely without complete understanding"
And after watching the film, " A River Runs Through It" getting thrilled everytime Bradd Pitt smiles as Paul and enjoying the countryside landscapes, the beautiful sound of running waters and refreshing sight of the river- i have learned very important things: to find strength in what remains behind, to have faith that looks through death and to love completely-without complete understanding.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Wordless Blog
- Mahatma Gandhi
(Indian Philosopher, internationally esteemed for his doctrine of nonviolent protest, 1869-1948)
Friday, October 10, 2008
Catherine's Day

all photos were taken by orange tulip
She has a gift of making everyone “ feel special” as she- with genuine care and love probably finds it effortlesss in saying “ hi” to us girls before or after each rehearsals and taps our shoulders , smile or hug each within her reach after every singing on Sunday mornings. I had great time singing with this choir because of the many encouragements from my leaders, Leah when I was starting then Cath with whom i became very close. She is capable of noticing that someone or me for one, is not on “my usual self “ and finds her way to speak without really intruding when someone is undergoing or when i was in difficult times. She is a good listener, cares a lot and willingly prays for my worries. There was a time when I refused to talk to anyone of my friends except her- and she has helped me a lot to “ keep holding up” despite the many confusing and difficult circumstances in my life- including my personal and family concerns( there was a most difficult time for me when my big brother has to undergo a neurosurgery and largely affected my academic performance as i was losing focus and after praying for me and my brother back home i had a good sleep as she reminded me to keep trusting God no matter what). With Cath, I never hesitated to “ open up” for she has always been very kind and willing to help in many ways.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Rachel and Lizzie's Day

tropical flowers- orchids for the birthday girls , photo by orange tulip
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Wall Street and Uncertainty

Source: http://andrewprokos.com/photos/new-york/landmarks/wall-street/

Source: http://www.bidanask.org/
Source: http://blog.diversityjobs.com
The US government presents a temporary and quick solution to the huge losses going on by proposing a bail-out package worth $700 billion, stocks temporarily picks up, US Congress disapproves the proposal making the stocks to further go down. American International Group or AIG declares losses too and needed help. Europe is alarmed and prepares for the possible effect of the US economy to them and I read that even the oil-rich Dubai has been affected by the crunch although few Asian economics claimed to be not severely affected. US Senate approves the repackaged bail-out plan, tosses it back to the US Congress and finally gets approval. Is this bailout, already signed by the American president yesterday and is now a law could really do the rescue plan as it was pictured to be?
These banks and financial institutions were really huge. I got some important information regarding these organisations. Lehman Brothers, an innovator in global finance, serves the financial needs of corporations, governments and municipalities, institutional clients, and high net worth individuals worldwide. Founded in 1850, Lehman Brothers maintains leadership positions in equity and fixed income sales, trading and research, investment banking, private investment management, asset management and private equity. The Firm is headquartered in New York, with regional headquarters in London and Tokyo, and operates in a network of offices around the world. (http://www.lehman.com/) As of 2007, the same website states that Lehman Brothers ranks #1 "Most Admired Securities Firm" by Fortune. Further, the website reported that it achieves record net revenues, net income and earnings per common share (diluted) for the fourth consecutive year based on record results in all three business segments. It acts as financial advisor on largest-ever M&A transaction in financial institutions sector: $98 billion acquisition of ABN AMRO by a consortium of the Royal Bank of Scotland, Santander and Fortis.* Also, it is the #1 dealer on the London Stock Exchange by annual trading volume for the third year in a row. It creates the Lehman Brothers Center for Global Finance and Economic Development at Spelman College, the #1 ranked institution among historically black colleges and universities by U.S. News & World Report.Finally, it establishes the Council on Climate Change to bring together leaders from industry, policy and academia to facilitate constructive dialogue regarding climate change policy formulation and its impact on business. (Factbook index have also indicated that during the first half of 2008, its total assets amounted to $639.4b, book value per common share is $34.21 and Lehman Brothers employs twenty-six thousand one hundred eighty nine(26,189). http://www.lehman.com/who/factbook/index.htm).And the Barclays is not yet included! Since it has celebrated its 150th year in 2000, 2008 was its 158th year in business. Amazing, isn’t it? How could an organisation who has weathered long 158 years suddenly end up like that? Who would have thought that an organisation seemingly stable as this would experience severe losses?