I am not really a "morning person". Certainly a "sleepyhead", its always a struggle to wake up very early in the morning(I always tell myself- "what's the point?")-I can do anything that I want or required of me to do anytime of the day anyway and there are 24 hours everyday so I rather wake up anytime I feel like it.
Growing up in a tropical country where the sun rises before 6 o clock, my mom tediously wakes me up early mornings to be in school on time, but going to college and living in a dormitory, staying in an apartment and later as a homestay, I carefully chose my classes to be late mornings, afternoons or evenings. Being employed, I was always noticed not only because of my excellent performance and human relations, but for my tardiness as well and I am very comfortable in my own skin-I cannot have everything anyway- or probably I am unwilling to be a conformist. It helped me a lot being assigned to special projects, until I left my first job out of impulse. My second job was a lot tolerant to my being late riser and I enjoyed the relaxed environment immensely despite the injustices that I habitually observed from the management. This world is not perfect and so I am anyway, so I had no other choice but to live with it.
Its always a very special time for me then to try waking up in the mornings when I get the chance to visit other places. Since I became a hobbyist photographer few years back, I started taking sunrises and sunsets as favourite subjects. At times I compare the photos and reminisce the memories that comes with the pictures. I have been a sunset person simply becasue I cannot wake up early to watch the sunrise, because I love the changing colours of the clouds and the skies in minutes and significantly, due to the serenity and the hope that it brings -" have a good rest, tomorrow is another day" .
Looking at my sunrise pictures however has brought me few realisations. First, the colours of the sky and the clouds is exhilarating, having another facet of its own beauty as compared to my favourite sunsets. Second, it brings that feeling of "good cheer". Third, it reminds me of my Biology subject about the sun as a giver of life- as captured in the photo attached(this was taken early in the morning so the sun's UV rays are arguably, not yet harmful). The sun is necessary for the green plants to undergo the process called "photosynthesis" which is very helpful to human food production, thus, aside from the heat that it brings to this planet, it is a giver of life to all forms of existence.
Finally, the sunrise suggests that -Today is a new day, another chance to do things better, probably to love more,hate less, to correct past mistakes, be more tolerant and forgiving. Most importantly, it is a new day to take risks, to find fulfillment in all aspects or simply to be thankful for the gift of enjoying life the fullest i can- even just for today.
Nice lesson from the sunrise, isn't it? I wish I am a fast learner though.
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