"To His will I submit myself."
earlier today, news about the popular Filipino rapper Francis Magalona's passing away has reached me. a naughty friend, who came over to bring me the news told me in jest that he is right in enjoying his life to the fullest, loving as many girls as he can and that he is encouraging his other male friends to do so. i have always argued with him about his principles and values in life yet i never imposed mine too. this time however, i only smiled at his statement about his definition of living his life to the fullest and focused our conversation on Francis' passing away.
Francis succumbed to cancer at 44 leaving his young family behind. i remember how positive and enthusiastic francis was the last time i read a newspaper article( entertainment section) about him- around late last year.
my brothers have always liked his rap singing talent and song writing prowess(most interesting was "Mga Kababayan Ko(To My Countrymen)" and i always liked his boyish looks and charming smiles. few minutes before writing this blog, i tried to find some news about him in the net and a GMA article( a television network in the country which he is one of the talents) was helpful. it goes like this:
Magalona's last blog entry requests for prayers
MANILA, Philippines - Francis Magalona's last blog entry in Multiply was dated Jan. 14, 2009. He related about his fourth chemotherapy session, and asked for a simple favor from his fans and supporters. See his complete post below:
MANILA, Philippines - Francis Magalona's last blog entry in Multiply was dated Jan. 14, 2009. He related about his fourth chemotherapy session, and asked for a simple favor from his fans and supporters. See his complete post below:
Good evening, people. I am getting prepared for my 4th Chemotherapy cycle, and I will be admitted tonight at The Medical City. I will be doing some tests tomorrow, wish me luck. Friday I begin my 4th cycle, which is a Hi-Dose kind, as will be taking 6 grams of CytarabinTM a day every other day for 3 days.
(According to webmd.com, Cytarabine is given intravenously. Sometimes it is given as a shot under the skin or directly into the spinal fluid. It can be given in a low, average, or high dose. Cytarabine is classified as an antimetabolite. It kills cancer cells by interfering with the way they multiply. Cytarabine is used to treat acute myelogenous leukemia [AML] and acute lymphoblastic leukemia. It is sometimes used to treat non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and some types of brain tumors.)
I will be at the 14th floor of the TMC, as usual. I brought a lot reading materials (bible included!) and DVDs to keep me company while I do my treatment. I will be doing my radiation treatment by February and my PBSCT (Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplant) will be done by March.I look forward to the pain as I know my journey is on full speed ahead. I will not be bold to say that without asking a favor from you all. PLEASE PRAY for me as I undergo treatment. Your prayers, as always, have sustained me. And am sure the Lord will listen to all our prayers. To His will I submit myself.
God bless you, my friend.
PS: I will be needing blood donors for blood and platelets. Please go to the lower ground floor of The Medical City and donate blood in my name. For platelets Apheresis you may go have yourself screened at the Phil. Nat'l Red Cross at the Pier in Manila. I am type O positive. Thank you again.
i tried having a look at Francis' blog too, particularly his last blog entry prior to his hospitalisation. i saw his entry and the photo where with his contagious smile. i copied the picture that he himself probably posted and to the end, he has been very positive. perhaps physical pain brought by a type of leukemia that afflicted him has taught him a lot in this life. it was indeed a "happy battle" and i will always remember and probably millions will remember too- the last line in his blog that immensely struck me. "To His Will I submit myself."
now how many of us, either healthy or sick-can bravely say that?
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